I like the appearance of things both natural and manufactured. External appearances form the basis for judgement and value. People take care to create and fettle themslves to manipulate appearances. Appearances are shells. Shells provide home, comfort and protection. Shells are armour and often beauty.
I build shells.
Safe shells, protecred shells, metal shells.

Solo Exhibitions
Beit Gibor, Ramat Gan, Israel
Solo Show, Art Facet, Singapore
Confrontations 1 – Taboo, Joseph Zaritski Artist’s House, Tel Aviv
Azrieli Center, Tel Aviv
Ridges: Joseph Constant Gallery, Ramat Gan
Spontaneous: Horace Richter Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
2 Solo Show – Art Facet Gallery, Singapore
Solo - Art Facet Gallery - Singapore
Preview: Azrieli Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
Solo: Alternative Gallery, Paris, France
Passages – an installation: Horace Richter Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Art for the People – a Temporary Name: Rishon Leziyon Municipality, Israel
Art and Fashion: Silhouette Fashion Magazine
Obsession: Artura Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Songs of Steel, Part III: Petach Tikva Cultural Center, Israel
Songs of Steel, Part II: Artura Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Songs of Steel, Part 1: Diamond Gallery, (Israel Diamond District) Ramat Gan, Israel.
Permanent Public Installations
Renewal, Netanya, Israel
Shout, Yamin Orde, Israel
The Big 3, The Pump House, Givaatayim, Israel
Dolphin and Horse Head: Dead Sea Works, Dead Sea, Israel
The Five: The Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
Ascension: The Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
Wall sculpture: Tabeetha School, Jaffa, Israel
Tree of Life: Etziyon Elementary School, Kfar Saba Israel
Torso: Gebo Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Milestones for Peace – Wandering international exhibition
That Man: The Givatayim Municipal Gallery, Israel
Topor Sculpture Garden: The Haim Sheba Medical Center, Israel
The Immigration Sculpture Garden: The Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
Group Exhibitions
Renewal: Gebo Gallery: Tel Aviv, Israel
Large Art, Small Format: Atura Gallery, Tel Aviv
Beginnings: Amdur Gallery, Tiberias, Israel
Xposito: Amiad House, Jaffa, Israel
True Colors -Transformation: Exhibition and auction, National Association of GLBT in Israel, Tachana Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Affordable Arts Fair: Singapore
Animals of Salt: Mt. Sedom, Dead Sea, Israel
Hubris of Passion: Horace Richter Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Secrets Behind Closed Doors: Exclusive, Tel Aviv, Israel
Bible Stories: Mamilla/Alrov, Jerusalem, Israel
Vanilla Sex: Rugine Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Uncovered 70, 80 + Number 2: Horace Richter Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
The Aviv Museum: Ramat Aviv Mall, Tel Aviv , Israel
Exhibition in Honor of Israel Independence Day: Hilton Hotel, Singapore
Uncovered 70, 80 +: Horace Richter Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Looking to the East: The Arts House, Singapore
Affordable Art Singapore
Art Singapore – Suntec Singapore, level 4
ArtsExpo, Malaysia
The Art of Reconciliation: Givatayim Municipal Gallery, Israel
The Sculpture Route: Mamilla/Alrov, Jerusalem, Israel
Biotope – Waterline: Exhibition for 100 years of Tel Aviv, Horace Richter Gallery, Tel Aviv
Strength: Constant Sculpture Gallery, Ramat Gan, Israel.
Culture Kiosk/Souvenir Art, Markers 7: ScalaMata Gallery, Venice, 53rd Venice Biennale
Alternative Gallery, Paris, France
I am Not a Man Nor an Angel: Municipal Gallery of Tamra, Tamra, Israel
25 regards d'artistes israéliens sur l'art contemporain: Galerie Le Cheval de Sable, Paris, France
Plants on the Farm: Ecological Art Gallery, Holon, Israel.
Creators, Artists and Designers: The Neri Bloomfield Academy of Design and Education, Wizo School of Design, Haifa, Israel
Needle in a Haystack: Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, California (as part of Exchange Rate 2008 group)
StayBite: Modes of Operation: The University of Texas at Dallas, Visual Arts Building, Dallas, Texas (as part of the Exchange Rate 2008 group)
Salons des Artistes Contemporain, ANA 2008, Cannes, France
Steam: Horace Richter Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Bodies: Macondo Gallery, London
Exchange Rate 2008: International performance exchange
Miniartura – Exceptional Art in a Small Format: Soham Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Folded Art: Borey Art Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia
Affordable Art Fair, Paris, France
Art in Blue and White (exhibition commemorating the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel): Mizel Museum, Denver, Colorado
The Art of Reconciliation: Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library, Washington DC
Wandering Library II: Galerie Cargo 21, Paris, France
Wandering Library II: Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
Alternativ Gallery, Jaffa, Israel
Alternativ Gallery, Paris, France
Drap-Art 07: CCCB-FAD, Barcelona, Spain.
Walls: Kitchen Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Art in Academic Square: Haifa, Israel
ArtandIndustry: The Dvora Fisher Gallery, ZOA House, Tel Aviv, Israel
Global View: Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv. Project with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, Israel
Divine in Tent, MARKERS VI: The Angel Orensanz Foundation for the Art, NY City
To Touch an Orange, Rehovot, Israel
The Loft Jazz and Comics: Studio 46, Tel Aviv, Israel
Divine in Tent, MARKERS VI: Kasel, Germany
Divine in Tent, MARKERS VI: Artlife Gallery, Venice, Italy
Tseiro-Net: Bat Yam boardwalk, Israel
The Whole is Forever Missing: Givatayim Theater, Israel
From Trash to Art: Ecological Dome, Elat, Israel
Connections: Dana Gallery, Yad Mordechai, Israel
Creating Outside (symposium): Petach Tikva, Israel
Mobiles, A Balancing Act: Macondo Gallery, London
The Secret Art: Bank Leumi, Tel Aviv, Israel
Magnum Open Art: Tel Aviv Port, Israel